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It somehow began while working on a theatre project during my media studies. We created pieces from life to form our production, and it occurred to me that I seriously had found something hidden within. I felt alive and I wanted more. The same year I auditioned for Göta Lejon's production of Miss Saigon in Stockholm. Without any professional voice or dance experience, I survived the four auditions and was among the 20 girls at the final cut. 10 were chosen, and sadly enough it wasn't my turn quite yet...


Back to real life, and shortly after I finished my media studies, I was offered a full time position as a production coordinator for a TV and video production company in Oslo. My next stop was 2nd unit production assistant for the soap series The Seven Sisters (Familiesagaen de Syv Søstre), which was broadcasted on national television, TV 2. During this period I finally understood what I really wanted. As much as I liked the energy, the fast pace and the shifting from location to location, and the intense work effort from the cast and crew, I got an epiphany - I was simply on the wrong side of the camera! I wanted to act!

With a scholarship granted from the Norway-America Association, I left for Los Angeles and sunny California. Theatre and acting were my dates and roommates for the next four years, with a Bachelor of Arts in Drama, performance; Stanislavski, the method, Meisner, Alexander technique, choir, voice, rehearsals, long hours, 24 hour, close relationships, texts, scripts, worries, blood, sweat, fears, doubts, magic, tears, confusion, rootlessness, loneliness, insecurities, drama queens, lifelong memories, priceless friendships, shows, make up, costumes, needles pinched here and there, Shakespeare, honors, auditions, nerves, agent in Beverly Hills, Hollywood, dreams, network, charm, producers of the wrong kind, traffic, cars, more cars, Starbucks, sunsets, surfers, sand, you're in, you're out, too thin, too thick, too short, too tall, you're hot, you're not, extreme highs and deep downs, colors, melting pot, love, acceptance, yoga, friendliness, bitching, openness, joy, energy... everything!

Boom! I have to go home... Home, sweet home... Norway here I come...


And so it goes... It is a competitive industry and a struggle and a fight, but what isn't? I think it's better to try and actually experience the complexity of life, and the forces that drive and push within - than to dream of a dream that would have, should have, really could have been possible. I know an energy and a passion that I cannot, and will not deny. It is a choice to either ride the rollercoaster with all its ups and downs and breath-taking loops - or jump onto the friendly merry-go-around. When I dive into my acting work, I feel alive, present and real. By experiencing other characters come to life through me, fuels me to stay connected and guides me to understand the world around me.


This is my heart and passion! This is my life. And this is my choice!

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Fundings for Journey to the East Theatre Production

Arts Council Norway (Norsk kulturråd), Arts Council Norway Sound and Picture (Fond for Lyd og Bilde), Freedom of Expression (Fritt Ord), Fund for performing artists (Fond for utøvende kunstnere), Fund for freelancers (Fond for frilansere), Norwegian Centre for New Playwriting (Dramatikkens hus), Adopsjonsforum, Green Hippo Media Servers, Hewlett-Packard Norway and The Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Norway.


Homecoming Program

Sponsored by the South Korean Government

NIED National Institute for Educational Development


Arts Council Norway Grants for Artists

Statens kunstnerstipend


Children of the World Grant 

Verdens Barn Stiftelse


Talent Fund Grant Cultural Foundation

Talentfondet Celledeling Stipend, Ringerike Sparebank1


California Lutheran University

Scholastic Honor Society, Summa Cum Laude

Bachelor of Arts in Drama Performance

Drama Departmental Honors

Dean´s Honors List

Residence Assistant

Irene Ryan Nomenee

KC/ACTF Kennedy Centre/American College Theatre Festival

For the role of The Maid in Frederico Garcia Lorca´s Blood Wedding


Norway-America Association Scholarship

U.S. University Scholarship 




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